Aws Vb Multipart Upload With Progress Bar

Today, through this post. We are going to learn how to upload a file and create a progress bar in an Angular 13 app using HttpClient, HttpEvent, and HttpEventType APIs.

A progress bar is a graphical UI representation to visualize the progress of programmatic functioning such as uploading, downloading, transfer, and installation of a data.

We will be setting up a basic Angular app with Limited API and make the Http POST asking to send the user name and epitome to the server.

The Principal purpose of this tutorial is to learn how to listen to the progress of the HTTP requests, specially when the data is being uploaded to the webserver.

Angular 13 File Upload with Progress Bar Example

  • Create Angular app
  • Setting up Node Server
  • Ready Angular App
  • Create Angular Service for Angular Progress Bar Demo
  • Build Angular File Upload Arrangement with Progress Bar

Create Angular app

Install an Angular app from scratch to show you the file upload and progress bar demo:

                ng new fileupload-progressbar-angular              

Get inside the projection folder:

                cd fileupload-progressbar-angular                              

In order to remove strict type warnings or error make sure to set "strict": false nether compilerOptions holding in tsconfig.json file.

Install and set up the Bootstrap 5 UI framework.

                npm install bootstrap              

Inject the bootstrap style-sheet in the styles array in angular.json file.

                                  "styles"                  :                  [                  "node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"                  ,                  "src/styles.scss"                  ]                              

Run the command to kickoff your Athwart File upload with progress bar app.

                ng serve --open                              

Setting upwards Node Server

We have created and included the node backend server in our GitHub repo.

You tin can git clone the complete the complete project and get into the project. Make sure to use the mongodb and nodemon for local server.

                                  git                  clone              

Next, go into the backend folder and install the required dependency.

                $                  cd                  backend $                  npm                  install                              

Once the required packages installed then run the following command to start the mongoDB database.


Then, outset the nodemon server by using the following command.


Once your server is up and running, so you lot tin can check your Node server app on the following Urls: http://localhost:4000

  • /api: for showing users listing
  • /api/create-user: for creating user

Create Angular Service for Athwart Progress Bar Demo

Earlier creating file upload service, we need to import the HttpClientModule service in app.module.ts file.

                import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http'; @NgModule({   declarations: [...],   imports: [      HttpClientModule   ],   bootstrap: [...] }) export class AppModule { }              

In this stride, nosotros will create file upload service with HttpClient run the following control to create the service.

                ng generate                  service                  file-upload              

Next, open the src/app/file-upload.service.ts file and add the following code
inside of information technology.

                                  import                  {                  Injectable                  }                  from                  '@angular/core'                  ;                  import                  {                  Appreciable,                  throwError                  }                  from                  'rxjs'                  ;                  import                  {                  catchError                  }                  from                  'rxjs/operators'                  ;                  import                  {                  HttpErrorResponse,                  HttpClient                  }                  from                  '@angular/mutual/http'                  ;                                      @                    Injectable                                    (                  {                  providedIn:                  'root'                  ,                  }                  )                  export                  form                  FileUploadService                  {                  constructor                  (                  private                  http:                  HttpClient)                  {                  }                  addUser                  (name:                  string                  ,                  profileImage:                  File)                  :                  Observable<                  whatsoever                  >                  {                  var                  formData:                  whatever                  =                  new                  FormData                  (                  )                  ;                  formData.                  append                  (                  'name'                  ,                  name)                  ;                  formData.                  append                  (                  'avatar'                  ,                  profileImage)                  ;                  return                  this                  .http                  .                  mail service                  (                  'http://localhost:4000/api/create-user'                  ,                  formData,                  {                  reportProgress:                  truthful                  ,                  notice:                  'events'                  ,                  }                  )                  .                  pipe                  (                  catchError                  (                  this                  .errorMgmt)                  )                  ;                  }                  errorMgmt                  (mistake:                  HttpErrorResponse)                  {                  permit                  errorMessage                  =                  ''                  ;                  if                  (error.error                  instanceof                  ErrorEvent                  )                  {                  // Get client-side error                  errorMessage                  =                  error.error.bulletin;                  }                  else                  {                  // Get server-side error                  errorMessage                  =                                      `                    Error Code:                                                              ${error.status}                                        \nMessage:                                                              ${error.message}                                        `                                    ;                  }                  panel                  .                  log                  (errorMessage)                  ;                  render                  throwError                  (                  (                  )                  =>                  {                  return                  errorMessage;                  }                  )                  ;                  }                  }                              

Build Angular File Upload System with Progress Bar

Create a class which will permit to upload data to the server. Import the ReactiveFormsModule API in the app.module.ts file.

                import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; @NgModule({   declarations: [...],   imports: [     ReactiveFormsModule   ],   bootstrap: [...] }) export class AppModule { }              

Build a file upload form with Bootstrap 4 form components and Reactive Forms APIs.

Go to app/app.component.html file and add the following lawmaking:

                                                                            <div                    class                                          =                      "container"                                        >                                                                              <form                    [formGroup]                                          =                      "form"                                        (ngSubmit)                                          =                      "submitUser()"                                        >                                    <!-- Progress Bar -->                                                            <div                    form                                          =                      "progress course-group"                                        *ngIf                                          =                      "progress > 0"                                        >                                                                              <div                    class                                          =                      "progress-bar progress-bar-striped bg-success"                                        role                                          =                      "progressbar"                                        [way.width.%]                                          =                      "progress"                                        >                                                                              </div                    >                                                                              </div                    >                                                                              <div                    grade                                          =                      "form-group"                                        >                                                                              <input                    blazon                                          =                      "file"                                        (change)                                          =                      "uploadFile($issue)"                                        >                                                                              </div                    >                                                                              <div                    course                                          =                      "class-group input-group-lg"                                        >                                                                              <input                    class                                          =                      "form-control"                                        placeholder                                          =                      "Name"                                        formControlName                                          =                      "name"                                        >                                                                              </div                    >                                                                              <div                    class                                          =                      "course-group"                                        >                                                                              <push button                    form                                          =                      "btn btn-danger btn-block btn-lg"                                        >                  Create                                          </button                    >                                                                              </div                    >                                                                              </course                    >                                                                              </div                    >                                                

Side by side, go to app.component.ts file and add the following code within of information technology.

                                  import                  {                  Component                  }                  from                  '@athwart/core'                  ;                  import                  {                  FormBuilder,                  FormGroup                  }                  from                  "@angular/forms"                  ;                  import                  {                  FileUploadService                  }                  from                  "./file-upload.service"                  ;                  import                  {                  HttpEvent,                  HttpEventType                  }                  from                  '@angular/mutual/http'                  ;                  @Component                  (                  {                  selector:                  'app-root'                  ,                  templateUrl:                  './app.component.html'                  ,                  styleUrls:                  [                  './app.component.scss'                  ]                  }                  )                  export                  class                  AppComponent                  {                  form:                  FormGroup;                  progress:                  number                  =                  0                  ;                  constructor                  (                                      public                    fb:                    FormBuilder,                    public                    fileUploadService:                    FileUploadService                  )                  {                  this                  .form                  =                  this                  .fb.                  group                  (                  {                  name:                  [                  ''                  ]                  ,                  avatar:                  [                  null                  ]                  }                  )                  }                  ngOnInit                  (                  )                  {                  }                  uploadFile                  (                  outcome                  )                  {                  const                  file                  =                  (                  as                  HTMLInputElement)                  .files[                  0                  ]                  ;                  this                  .form.                  patchValue                  (                  {                  avatar:                  file                  }                  )                  ;                  this                  .course.                  become                  (                  'avatar'                  )                  .                  updateValueAndValidity                  (                  )                  }                  submitUser                  (                  )                  {                  this                  .fileUploadService.                  addUser                  (                  this                  .form.value.proper noun,                  this                  .form.value.avatar                  )                  .                  subscribe                  (                  (                  event:                    HttpEvent<                    whatsoever                    >                                    )                  =>                  {                  switch                  (result.                  blazon                  )                  {                  instance                  HttpEventType.Sent:                  console                  .                  log                  (                  'Request has been made!'                  )                  ;                  break                  ;                  instance                  HttpEventType.ResponseHeader:                  console                  .                  log                  (                  'Response header has been received!'                  )                  ;                  pause                  ;                  case                  HttpEventType.UploadProgress:                  this                  .progress                  =                  Math.                  round                  (issue.loaded                  /                          *                  100                  )                  ;                  console                  .                  log                  (                                      `                    Uploaded!                                                              ${                      this                      .progress}                                        %                    `                                    )                  ;                  intermission                  ;                  instance                  HttpEventType.Response:                  console                  .                  log                  (                  'User successfully created!'                  ,                  event.body)                  ;                  setTimeout                  (                  (                  )                  =>                  {                  this                  .progress                  =                  0                  ;                  }                  ,                  1500                  )                  ;                  }                  }                  )                  }                  }                              

Angular Progress Bar


Finally, Angular file upload with progress bar tutorial is completed. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.


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